ADX – Dragon Trinity Crash – More Flash Fiction

Princes Drive, Guardians of Steel and Vimanakatha are all unlocked.

Thank you internet. 😀

My setting is up next for the ADX Anthology. That AND David Hill’s Bubble Gum crisis inspired: Cyber Saber Ascension. If this puppy gets funded to $15’000  both will be added.

We have 4 days and roughly $1’300 to go. Let’s make DTC a reality. Here’s the link.

In the meantime here’s some further Dragon Trinity Crash flash fiction:

Note: I’ve altered Dejana’s dragon armor  and dragon armor chant slightly. This has to do with how the game’s evolving while I’m writing it.

+ + + + +

”MEGA SLING!” The double-doors buckled and crashed. Standing there, as the dust cleared, were Jadran the Badass Halfing, Iset the dark, mysterious elven swordswoman and Dejana Half-Elf sorceress merc.

The young woman chained before them was dressed in royal finery.  She looked terrified.

Jadran immediately slid her side and held her hand gently. “No need to fear lass, we’re here to rescue you.”

“SEA SLASH.” Iset summoned a blade of shimmering water and cut through the chains with a single swipe.

Dejana pulled an official looking scroll from her belt and unrolled to show it to the former captive. “Princess Obscura, we’ve been hired by your kingdom. Please come with us.”

The young woman glanced in confusion at the scroll and her saviors.

“I’m thankful for your help but I’m not Obscura.

Your princess is in another castle.”

“WHAT?” cried the three adventurers.

+ + + + +


Boulder, sea sword and lightning blot crashed into the Minotaur with colossal force. The creature let out a horrendous groan and fell, the floor rumbled when he hit.

Iset stood on his corpse, her blade buried in it, catching her breath. Jadran sat and against the body and started chanting Bless Mend to ease his broken arm.

Dajana stepped past them, her armor dented and scuffed and stood before the former captive. She was a dark haired beauty dressed in royal finery.  She she nodded appreciatively at her savior.

Dajana pulled down her gag. The princes gasped “RUST CURSE.” and her chains dissolved. 

The merc smirked. “Princess Obscura I assume?”

The dark haired one frowned. “I’m sorry but no.

She’s in another castle.”

The three groaned.

+ + + + +

“You cannot defeat me! SKY HAMMER!” The warlock shrieked as a hammer of lighting crackled in his hand and he swung at Iset.

“SLATE SHIELD!” The swordwoman rolled to the side as Jadran leaped between them. The hammer BOOMED against his rocky shield, it held but the Halfing was crunched against the opposite wall.

“BLAST GUSH!” Iset summoned a powerful jet of salt water against the warlock and he was knocked flying. “Gaaaaaaah!”

“FREEZE FANG!” Dajana’s hex, mixed with Iset’s spell, solidified the bad guy in place.

The three stood over him, looking battered, bloody and none-too pleased.

“There!” Iset hissed pointing at the tower just outside the court yard.

“That.” Growled Jadran.

“Is where Princess Obscura is kept, yes?” Finished Dajana, in a bedraggled tone.

The warlock glanced up at the tower and then back at the three, a big, mocking grin on his face.

“Hah! Hah! Hah! You fools. I was merely the distraction.

Your princess is in another castle!” He added a maniacal cackle for extra malevolence.

“Oh really?” Jadran asked.

An evil gleam shined in the three’s eyes.

“Uh. Yes?” the warlock said, seeming suddenly timid.


“Freya. “


Their rage was able to bypass the normal chants. In a flash of magic three two-story tall dragon armors surrounded the warlock; one of jade, one of ice and one of ivory and gold.

The warlock screamed like a school child as the three stomped him.

+ + + + +

“Do you know what would be nice?” Cried Jardan as he leaped and rolled down the hill. A massive rock spike slamming into the place where he was.

“For Princess Obscura not to be evil?” Commented Dejana dryly as she followed suit.

“No!” Yelled the Halfing over the din of the Titan chasing them.

“What would be nice-”

The five story tall quartz construct opened its eyes and fired lasers  at Iset. She barely jumped out of the way and ended up tumbling down the hill.

“would be dragon armor.” Jardan finished with an accusatory point at Dejanna.

“You stomped the Warlock too.” Dejanna snarled.

“Children.” Iset inserted herself between them. “We’ve got bigger problems.”

A shadow fell over the the three and they saw, at the top of the hill, the Titan. In a ‘necklace compartment’ was Obscura leering down at them.

“Prepare to die!”

The foot came up.

The three ran and just barely made it out of the booming stomp radius.

“We need to summon Artaxerxes.” suggested Iset.

“We can’t.” Dejanna huffed as the three fled. “We need the other armors to build to him.”

“We’ve called upon the others but not him directly. If we all cast together we can do it.”

“If we fail,” cried Jardan, “we’ll be devoured,” they dodged another epic stomp.

“If we don’t, we’ll die anyways.”

“I’m for it.” Dajanna said, sliding to a halt and glaring up at the titan with determination.

Iset too slid to a stop, her glare at the monster was cold as ice.

Jardan groaned but also slid to a halt. “Fine.”

Obscura smirked down at the three from her pendant throne.

“Finally decided to stop running eh? I’ll just finish you off quickly then!”

“You who dwell in the deepest, darkest earth unseen.

Your roar terrifies the souls unclean.

You who carry all the  world on your back.

Call forth your first son, let the earth quake and crack.

Great Dragon who seeks Strength heed my call!

Power of Ullith be mine!”

Out of the earth sprung forth an enormous dragon armor made of jade. Immediately its torso split and slid open, combining with it’s massive arms to make a giant throne.

“Mother of peace, mother of wrath.

I call upon you for a dreadful task.

You who swallow the sun in the west.

Bring forth you child, with whose dread power I will be blessed.

Great Dragon who seeks Perfection heed my call.

Power of Freya be mine!”

A vortex of water erupted from the earth and out of it an enormous dragon armor made of dark sapphire ice.  It sat on the throne and shifted, folding into itself, becoming the body to Ullath’s arms and legs.

“You who wings span the the inky sky and encompass the stars.

Whose gaze sees all no matter how afar.

Bring forth your thunder, whose din terrifies the evil hearts.

I call forth your daughter, so she may rip and tear this villain apart.

Great Dragon who seeks Justice heed my call.

Power of Xalladale be mine!”

Lighting streaked from the sky and with it arrived an enormous dragon armor made out of ivory and gold. It melded from behind to became one with Ullith and Freya, her head and great wings  added to the mix.

As one the three’s voices boomed ” ARTAXERXES PERFECT CRASH!”

The Juggernaut armor stood before the titan.

Held aloft by magical forces in the armor’s third heart Dejana opened her eyes. She was pale, as if drained. Illusions Jadran and Iset were illuminated on the walls of the heart, they too were weak but unharmed.

“We’re alive?”

“It appears our gambit as worked.” Iset sounded exhausted but pleased.

“Then let’s show Obscura what we can do.” chuckled Jarad.

“Right.” Dejana said with a grin. She touched the wall of the heart and golden electricity ripped through the wall. “You’re up first Iset.”

Suddenly the left hand on Artaxerxes twitched, out of nothing a massive blade of salt water, crackling with golden lighting appeared. The armor’s wings flapped and he rose in the air, both claws now clutching the sword’s hit.

It said “Goodbye.” with a frigid finality in Iset’s voice.

Obscuria shrieked as the great Dragon attacked.

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